Events - 2009

December 4 - DINNER
Yuletide Celebration @ The Toronto Lawn Tennis Club ...
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November 2 - DINNER
Lammershoek Dinner @ Chega ...
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October 14 - TASTING
Shiraz – the new kid on the block...
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Sept 17 - TASTING
Delheim grand reserve
  • Find out more information about Delheim Grand Reserve 1981 - 2006.
    fact sheet   More >>
June 14 - BBQ
Annual Braai...
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May 11 - TASTING
Celebrating 350 years of winemaking with Fred Lamprecht...
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March 20 - TASTING
Cult Wines @ The U of T Faculty Club...
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April 21 - TASTING
Cheap and Cheerful...
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February 16 - DINNER
Gourmet Dinner at the Chega Restaurant ...
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